February 9th 2020
Hey guys, long time no see. Sorry for the long absence, been swept by a tidlewave of work. While some of is just because of the workload early on in my semester, most of it is because of myself. I'm a lazy person, always have been. I like sleeping late and waking up late. School, and work, are nice things because they give someone like myself a reason to wake up in morning, and even if I didn't get my needed 9 hours of sleep, I still get up. But with that said, I'm always doing until the last minute, it's just another problem I have to deal with later. I'd rather stare a screen all day and entertain myself with meaningless entertainment then do any good work.
This has had an effect on the comic as of late, and it sucks. I don't know if people actually read this, or if it's really good or not, but it's something to do. Something I had the responsiblity to finish three days a week. Now with school, I'm working with people, and have work to do for a whole team. You can undestand the added stress of that, but it's not an excuse. I've been, or trying to, straighten out my schedule, my daily routine this week. Do the comic, finish assignments, and go back to personal projects. As for updates, I've been playing around in Blender over the last couple of weeks, and thought I show off my noob skills. Filming starts soon for some big film projects, which I'll be handling sound for one, catering for another, and even a storyboard artist on a third. Besides that, I'm getting back into writing and some musical projects, which I hope to release before the end of the year.
Anyway, thanks for reading on. Have a good day.